Help Advice Scottish Ministers on Accessible Travel

Scottish Ministers are looking to appoint up to four Members of the Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland (MACS). MACS was set up under the Transport (Scotland) Act 2001 to advise Scottish Ministers on the barriers and challenges for disabled people in relation to transport.

While supported by Transport Scotland, the Committee offers its views independently of government and it is expected to reflect the views of disabled people and organisations representing disabled people, however, it works independently of those individuals and organisations.

MACS are seeking to appoint four roles at this time to commence in October 2023.  There are two Member roles with a time commitment of 12 – 18 days per year. There is also a Workstream Lead role on Ferries and Aviation and a Workstream Lead role on Planning and Strategy. The Workstream Lead roles have a time commitment of 36 – 48 days per year.

Members work across all of travel and transport modes under different workstream themes, however there are specific needs with regard to rural and island transport at present. Therefore, it would be the panel’s preference for appointees to have knowledge and understanding in that field, preferably drawn from experience of living on islands, remote or rural areas.

For more information and details of how to apply, visit: