WEEKLY POLL: Accessible Taxis

Each week the Scottish Disability Equality Forum allow you to have your say on a number of different topics affecting disabled people in Scotland. The poll is a simple yes/no question, along with the opportunity to leave a comment on the chosen topic.

This week’s poll question is about accessible taxis and whether a new law to reduce discrimination is being followed.

On April 6 2017, a new law was introduced to impose penalties on taxi and Private Hire Vehicle (PHV) drivers refusing to pick up wheelchair users.

According to this law taxi and Private Hire Vehicle (PHV) drivers have to:

• transport wheelchair users in their wheelchair
• provide passengers in wheelchairs with appropriate assistance
• charge wheelchair users the same fare as non-wheelchair users

Taxi drivers face a fine of up to £1,000 if they refuse to transport wheelchair users or attempt to charge them extra.

We want to find out if this new law is being followed in Scotland.

You can answer our Weekly Poll by clicking on this link: http://your-say-on-disability.org.uk/weekly-poll-accessibl…/