Ferries for All: NorthLink Customer Experience Survey


Feeling safe to travel and get around is essential if we are going to realise our rights and achieve our potential. That is why NorthLink Ferries and Disability Equality Scotland, with support from the Transport Scotland Ferries Accessibility Fund, are partnering to improve the experiences of disabled people onboard.

We will be working together to ensure that disabled people have safe and inclusive journeys. An important part of this is making sure that people know how to report any abuse or mistreatment.

This project builds on the success of the launch of the national Hate Crime Charter, which aims to encourage transport providers, members of the public and other services to support a zero-tolerance approach to hate crime on Scotland’s public transport network.

As with everything we do at Disability Equality Scotland, our voices, as disabled people, will be at the heart of our work. We can all play a part. To help us you can fill in this short survey to inform this important work.

Complete the survey online: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NorthLinkCustomerHateCrimeSurvey

An Easy Read version of the survey is also available to download on our website.

If you have any questions, or if you require the survey in an alternative format, please contact Fiach O’Broin-Molloy (fiach@disabilityequality.scot) who is responsible for the Ferries for All project.